Remember those days when you dreamed of being a movie star?
Well this isn’t the same but close! St. Mark’s is in need of volunteers to present the production of “Pistols and Posies” by Christy Fredrickson, two weekends in March (March 20 & 21, March 27 & 28). The play takes place in the 1920’s with a gangster theme! There is a variety of parts available and a read through will take place the first full week of January with rehearsals following. Proceeds from this event will go towards upgrades and equipment for the studio room. PLEASE consider a part in helping make this a HUGE success! It is A LOT OF FUN! If you know for certain that you would like to be a part of this fun and exciting adventure or have any questions give Sandy Fortner, the director, a call at 618-615-7466! And ……..Action!!